TT GREEN® is now officially Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Licensed Software and Tools Partner   

August 4, 2023

We are thrilled to announce that our digital platform TT GREEN® powered by InnoBlockis now officially a licensed software and tools partner of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). This partnership is a significant milestone for us, as it demonstrates our commitment to providing our clients with the highest quality ESG data and reporting tools. 

Check out InnoBlock on GRI licensed software partners list here: 

As a GRI licensed software and tools partner, TT GREEN® has undergone a rigorous review process to ensure that our platform meets the highest standards of data accuracy and usability. This partnership will enable us to offer our clients even more comprehensive ESG reporting capabilities, with access to GRI’s widely recognized sustainability reporting guidelines and frameworks. 

We believe as being a Certified software partner of GRI could further enhance our ability to support our clients in meeting international sustainability reporting requirements, and we are excited to continue to bring innovative and effective ESG solutions to the market. 

#InnoBlock #TTGREEN #GRI #globalreportigninitiative #sustaibability #ESGstandard #ESGreporting #carbonmanagement #digitalplatform #carbonneutrality